⎯ Entering the Matrix


⎯ Data visualization home dashboard
The matrix serves raise awareness & surface the complex yet changing ways of how people experience this issue.
users navigate through stories of food insecurity via a matrix developed by Feeding America.
To see what is “behind the number” users hover over the number revealing stories that juxtapose the plain statistic. Ultimately this interaction harks back to the idea that in order to be data literate you must look deeper than the statistic because sample sizes can be small, standard errors are large, and lots people are not accounted for. There’s often much more to the story.

⎯ matrix stories intro by hovering

⎯ Selecting a story

⎯ Scavenger hunt for data in stories
When entering, you will see graphs about according to the Census. The charts are visualized in a conventional, inaccessible, & serialized manner.
Once you hover or click, the scene comes apart as the graphs fall, intentionally creating a sense of confusion. Hidden behind the graphs, you will see introductory text about the purpose of the site: to explore the human stories Behind the Numbers.
When entering, you will see graphs about according to the Census. The charts are visualized in a conventional, inaccessible, & serialized manner.