The gallery navigates between directors when you press the ↓ or ↑ key. Directors are displayed by most to least number of approved movies.
Each director has their own visualization that plots their movies on a graph by two axis: box office + release date. Data is shown through color, icon, and location to display Year Released, Target Demo., Box Office, Genre, and Movie Poster.

⎯ relating to current events: NYT Articles
the articles are meant to show the current perceptions. Each bubble contains a snippet of the full nyt's article. This feature provides societal context of the directors outside their films.

⎯ loading screen

⎯ director navigation

⎯ accessible CATALOG

⎯ accessible CATALOG
To make the experience more efficient & comprehensive for navigating, there is a Catalog where users can see all the Bechdel-passing directors based on two methods of filtering for this page: number of movies that passed the test & average box office.

⎯ analysis shopping cart
(bech)ideal uses the framework of the Bechdel test to highlight directors who have movies that begin to feature women in a more equitable manner.
the "shopping cart" feature allows users to add their favorite four directors to a comparison.
In this analysis, you will get to see the nominations, box office, and year released.

⎯ random shuffle